Erectile Dysfunctions at Age 40- Causes and Solutions

Erectile Dysfunction, or the inability to achieve or maintain a successful erection, is a
common problem that impacts 150 million people worldwide and has far-reaching
consequences on their social and interpersonal lives. Age is one of the most significant
factors responsible for erectile tissue changes, but lately, the problem has been observed in
younger men, especially the ones in their 40s
Erectile Dysfunctions prevalence in men in their 40s
Studies have shown that as we age, our muscles and tendons become less flexible, which is
observed in the vascular function of the body. Insufficient blood flow to the corpus
cavernosum and other penile regions gives rise to defective endothelial relaxation,
considered the key component of erectile function.
Men in their 40s have a lot going on, from changes in the body physiological parameters in
the form of hormonal fluctuations and metabolic changes to stress and anxiety factors that
pave the way for Erectile Dysfunctions.
The Massachusetts Male Aging Study conducted on 1709 men between 40-70 years found a
combined prevalence of Erectile Dysfunctions to be 52%, out of which 40% were in their 40s.
The prevalence of moderate impotence doubled from 17-34%, and complete impotence
tripled from 5-15% between the 40-70 age group; cardiological risk factors, lifestyle factors,
an increased BMI, and surgical/medications were the chief causative reasons.
The risk of ED was around 26 cases per 1000 men annually which increased with age, lower
education, heart problems, hypertension, and diabetes.
A few health experts have even suggested taking Erectile Dysfunctions as a warning sign as it is often the first
clue of underlying heart disease.
Researchers at the Ciccarone Centre For Prevention of Heart Disease have warned that ED
or other cause-induced endothelial dysfunction is among the first stages of coronary heart
disease. A healthy blood blow is as essential for normal heart function as it is necessary for
erectile function. A decrease in the blood flow because of arterial plaque buildup leads to
endothelial dysfunction in the penile area and subsequent erectile complications.
Erectile dysfunction is linked to Type 2 Diabetes as high blood sugar over a certain period
can damage the nerves and blood vessels connected to the penis. Data analysis of over
2126 men has shown half of the subjects with preexisting diabetes diagnosis exhibit signs of
ED. It even showed 90% of the men with erectile dysfunction have at least one risk factor for
cardiovascular disease, including poor cholesterol levels, smoking habits, a predisposition to
reduced activity levels, and diabetes.
All in all, diabetes can be regarded as the harbinger of erectile difficulties, with 12% of newly
diagnosed diabetics dealing with mild to moderate symptoms of ED. Men in their 40s face
the brunt of the problem because of age factors and a tendency to faulty lifestyle.
When combined with hypertensive disease, impotence in people with diabetes is even more
prevalent in their 40s.
Unlike other physical conditions that get the required attention, the embarrassment
associated with the problem makes it increasingly difficult to be diagnosed and treated
The good news is treatment options exist. Medications, good lifestyle choices, and timely
consultation with the health practitioner can take care of the problem to a significant extent
and improve your quality of life.
Role of Viagra in Managing Erectile Dysfunctions
After you have taken the first step in consulting a physician and realizing the underlying
factor behind it, the next step is to reclaim your erectile function through diet changes, weight
control, medications, or psychotherapy.
Among the numerous medications in use for managing ED symptoms, Viagra has always
been on the top of the list. Belonging to a group of drugs called PDE-5 Inhibitors, Viagra can
be safely used in 40-year-olds for treating ED satisfactorily.
While the role of Viagra in inhibiting the PDE enzymes and breaking down the cGMP
molecules responsible for endothelial wall relaxation is well known, recent research has
further shown it to have antiinflammatory and antidepressant properties.
Animal studies on Sildenafil, the active component of Viagra, have shown that the
medication in low doses can exert its antidepressant properties and work on your self-
esteem impacted by erectile abnormalities. Antiinflammatory properties work on the
individual innate and adaptive immune system and help deal successfully with Erectile
Dysfunction because of hereditary tendencies or genetic abnormalities.
Clinical trials on Sildenafil administration in Erectile Dysfunctions patients have concluded that the medication
can work in chronic Ed conditions and has a safe profile. Other than having a 69% success
profile, it works on the time of erectile period and helps in prolonged phases of sexual
activity. People have reported sexual satisfaction and improved ability to engage in sexual
activity after using it.
Viagra vs. Cialis
Viagra and Cialis are equally effective in managing Erectile Dysfunctions symptoms and improving the individual’s erectile quality.
Cialis or Tadalafil is a PDE-5 inhibitor with characteristics similar to Sildenafil/Viagra but has a longer half-life of 36 hours. Meta-Analysis of trials comparing Sildenafil and Tadalafil have shown both drugs to have similar efficacies and overall adverse event rates.
In the few people allergic to Viagra or unable to obtain it, Tadalafil or Cialis can be substituted after consulting the physician.
Data analysis has shown that Cialis has recently shown an increase in sales among various ED drugs because of its effectiveness in people between the ages of 40-50.
Generic PDE-5 Derivatives
Besides the brand versions of PDE-5 inhibitors, generic erectile dysfunction medications are gaining popularity because of lower costs and increased availability. Kamagra is one such Sildenafil derivative that works in the same manner as that of Viagra but is cost-effective. Considering the growing prevalence of ED in the younger aged populations that are even below the 40-year age group, the generic availability of such medications has made treatment accessible and affordable to the general public.
Erectile dysfunction is an uncommon but not unheard-of problem in the younger age group. Population projection figures have noted that, in time, the numbers will increase. Getting the required help and talking to a medical expert can help you cope with the problem and reverse the symptoms successfully. A healthy lifestyle, diet control, and managing the underlying issues are equally important in ensuring a healthy sexual life.